AMD GAME Program

The AMD GAME Website is live as home to this new program looking to help PC users get a system optimized for gaming and HD video, as long as it does not use an Intel CPU or an NVIDIA accelerator. The site also recommends upcoming games, and offers links to trial versions of casual games that will probably run pretty well on any system. Here's word on the program, which emphasizes system requirements from the PC end, rather than the game end, which will require the specifications for an AMD GAME PC to be updated twice annually:
AMD believes consumers should have a balanced platform with matched and tested components that meet their needs - not compromise their overall computing experience by choosing which components and software are more valuable. Computers should have the power to surge through the demanding moments of gaming action or HD entertainment without stutter or lag. The AMD GAME! initiative helps ensure that the computer system has been optimized for gaming with the right graphics and processor components. Hardware and PC components that carry the AMD GAME! logo let PC buyers and do-it-yourself gamers know they will have a customized and exceptional gaming experience.