An update on GameSpot
has some details about changes to the format of E3, confirming with ESA
president Douglas Lowenstein that the event will indeed move to July, also
learning that the name of the expo will be changing to the "E3 Media Festival."
A different GameSpot article
goes further into some of the causes and effects of this story, describing the
pressure from companies like Sony, Microsoft, and EA to cut the costs associated
with the show, as well as the impact of a smaller show on the city of Los
Angeles from disappointed cab drivers to a hard-to-interpret remark by an
attorney saying he thought the city wouldn't "take this lying down." Examining
this news is
Beyond E3 on IGN (thanks
Frans), an editorial covering the plusses and
minuses of the changes, while
Ten Reasons for E3's Collapse on Next Generation offers their opinions in
numerical order.