Out of the Blue

Yesterday I got a wild hair to have less wild hair, and cut most of it off (I now resemble the logo more than ever). Later in the day we picked up some supplies for an impromptu cookout and because there was beer in our cart, the young lady at the checkout asked for my driver license! Now I'm not going to kid myself that I suddenly look underage as much as she was just clueless. On the other hand, I don't think I will ever shop anywhere else... and she sure looked mystified when I tipped her.

Stories of the Day: Homesick and Hungry? Online Fix.
Amazon Plan Would Allow Searching Texts of Many Books (registration required).
ReplayTV's New Owners Drop Features That Riled Hollywood (registration required).
Wild Science: The Power Of the Moon.
Burping stars fill cosmos with dust.
A 'Funky A.T.M.' Lets You Pay for Purchases Made Online (registration required).
Weird Science: Exhaust condenser allows drinking and driving. Now that's a Dune buggy.
Pizza cuts cancer risk? Joining masturbation on the good list.
Answer to the mystery of life is four.
Images of the Day: The 34th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing.
Earth and Moon Photographed by Mars Express.
Auction of the Day: Bidders fail to bite at Elvis tooth.
Follow-ups: Food Industry Health Pitches Prompt Skepticism.
DVD's Meant for Buying but Not for Keeping (registration required).
Thanks Mike Martinez.