Out of the Blue

I've been continuing my recent rediscovery of the joys of DOOM by way of DooM Legacy. I had a deathmatch last night with my pal RedAnt and also rediscovered the joys of "the claw," the effect when hands that have been pounding keys too hard or clenching a mouse too tightly go numb or start generating sharp pains. If I had to guess why I suffer this more while playing DOOM than other shooter titles, I'd have to say the insanely fast pace of gameplay is the most logical difference to suspect, but in any event, I need to re-learn how to exert a little less clench on the controllers, or learn to type with my knuckles (which come to think of it, might be an improvement over my miserable typing anyway).

Link of the Day: Sphincterine. Thanks bEtA. Contains pictures, descriptions, and accounts of asses.
Stories of the Day: Front-page blunder teaches hard lessons Web-site joke gets WSU newspaper in trouble. Thanks Chris Johnson.
Man Burned Trying to Kill Head Lice with Alcohol In Wisconsin. Thanks Frottage. Post-modern evolution.
Penis Puppeteers Told to Zip It Thanks theAntiELVIS. Worth it just for the headline.
Wild Science: Actuality Systems Volumetric 3-D Display. Thanks RedAnt.
Chess champ trounces Deep Fritz computer. Thanks Mike Martinez.
Weird Science: Sex with a Twist ... Lemons Provide Protection. Thanks Mentat.
Media of the Day: Grok (Flash required). Thanks Sharon.
Follow-up: Famed hacker hawking historic laptops. Thanks Drew Chambers. An Auction of the Day (story).