Out of the Blue

Here's a blast from the past from the dusty halls of our news archive. It was on this day 1996, that's right, six years ago today, that the encrypted version of Quake showed up on retail stores (this was the shareware version that you could activate with an 800 number), including the shelves of 7-11 of all places. I'm guessing that this is the biggest game title to use such an unusual distribution scheme. I'm also guessing that the ever more hax0r-filled world is the reason such distribution schemes never became more common. Of course, that's all guesswork, one thing I do know is that this all sure seems like a surprisingly long time ago.

Link of the Day: Pirated Sites. Thanks The Flying Penguin. If only this was up to point out the 10,000 sites that hijacked our previous design =].
Story of the Day: Buffalo to throw a big wing bash. Thanks Mike Martinez. Actually based on Osmosis Jones!
Airlines won't ask those two questions. Thanks Jamie Fullerton.
Britain marks 150 years of public toilets. Thanks Mike Martinez.
Wild Science: University scientists in black hole hunt. Thanks [MP] Wolverine [MP].