Out of the Blue

Pioneer 10 calls home on birthday is one of many interesting links passed along for today by AndyS. Aren't these probes supposed to start transforming themselves into doomsday devices soon? I remember the plot of at least one Star Trek episode as well as Star Trek: The Motion Picture (veeger) centered around just that. I guess that shouldn't be the most likely scenario, but it seems more plausible than still being able to contact this thing 30 years later.

Play Time: Conway's Game of Life. Come to life on the web. Thanks EvilToast.
Weird Science: Tiny bubbles create nuclear fusion -- maybe. Thanks Jamie Fullerton.
Wild Science: Huge ice field found on Mars. Thanks [MP] Wolverine [MP]. And remember what the bard said: 'beware the ice of Mars...'
Auction of the Day: The Excite Mazda Miata. Thanks Daniel LiButti.
Image of the Day: APOD - Earth in True Color. Thanks again AndyS.
Movie of the Day: Torm3ntor. Thanks Tomas Skoie.