Steam Real-Time Strategy Fest

It's getting real on Steam, where the Real-Time Strategy Fest is underway as promised, offering a calculated week-long look at games that challenge both your tactics and your reflexes. There's a sale on games in the genre that ends next Monday, along with presentations, and, of course, demos, many of which are time-limited to test your APM. There are also free items in the point shop, so get your RTS FOMO on or you're SOL. Here's the Official Trailer, and here's more from this post which shows just how self-explanatory this all is:
Ready to think quickly on your feet? What about fast reactions, how are those?

Ready for us to stop asking you so many questions? Ha.

Steam's Real-Time Strategy Fest has you covered, with discounts and demos galore from January 20th - January 27th at 10am PST.

Did we mention the focus is on real-time? Ooops, sorry, that was another question. Steam's Real-Time Strategy Fest is packed with deals on strategy games that aren't turn-based, but rather run in real time.