DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS is now available for Windows, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, offering the chance to travel back to the upheaval of the Three Kingdoms period in ancient China. This is steeped in history, if not realism, as you play a one-person army in this "musou thriller" where you single-handedly take on up to a thousand foes at once ("never tell me the odds!"). The PC edition is on Steam with no launch discount, but there is a playable demo. Check out the Launch Trailer for a look at frenetic combat and an interesting courage mechanic, and read on for more:
DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS introduces a new, deeper interpretation of the traditional Three Kingdoms storyline, which depicts ancient Chinese history. From the “Yellow Turban Rebellion” to the climax of the “Battle of Chibi”, the story of DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS drops players into the heart of an ancient China in turmoil. Through the eyes of a nameless hero, players will have to fight fiercely while making bold choices in order to restore peace and shape history to their own experience, battling enormous enemy armies while navigating the chaos of the Three Kingdoms era.

DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS delivers an overwhelming sense of realism on every battlefield, with the largest number of soldiers in the series’ history, intermingled and fighting with their own individual wills. Enemy soldiers attacking in cooperation are extremely formidable, and you must not only fight with your own skills, but also charge forward with your allies to clear the way. Once you push up the battleline and are prepared to fight, you and your allies can charge into the massive armies of enemies, experiencing a sense of realism of the battlefield in an unprecedented scale where thousands of soldiers collide!