Comfortable Round-up
Thanks Ant, Neutronbeam, and Max.Stories
- Drones Uncovered a 3,000-Year-Old Hidden Mega-Fortress in the Mountains - Popular Mechanics. Thanks RedEy9 (may require registration or subscription).
- US sues Pepsi over exclusive discounts to Walmart - Why sue the victim instead of the blackmailer?
- Nanoparticles Reverse Parkinson's in Mice by Healing Damaged Dopamine Cells - ScienceAlert.
- Panorama of Andromeda galaxy unveils hundreds of millions of stars -
- SpaceX catches Starship booster a second time, loses ship to an 'anomaly' in space - TechCrunch.
- THE MONKEY - Official Redband Trailer - In Theaters February 21 (NSFW). Thanks RedEye9.
- SKILL is everything ▪ Vol. 2. Thanks VideoSift.
- For Possibly The First Time Ever, A Meteorite Was Captured Hitting The Ground On Video And Audio - IFLScience.
- Watch SpaceX Starship explode over Atlantic Ocean on Flight Test 7 (videos) - Space.