VentureBeat reports that Chris Barrett has filed a lawsuit against Bungie
its owner Sony, accusing his former employers of firing him under false
pretenses to avoid a $45 million payout to which he was entitled. He
was fired in March while serving as Game Director on the
Marathon revival, and
in August
Bloomberg reported this dismissal was allegedly over inappropriate behavior
by multiple female colleagues. According to
IGN the ask is over $200 million: "The 81-page lawsuit lays out seven counts
against Bungie and SIE, including Family and Medical Leave Act [FMLA]
retaliation, defamation, and breach of contract. Barrett is seeking at least
$100 million in defamation damages in addition to more than $90 million for
money owed under retention agreements, alleged Washington Rebate Act [WRA]
violations, and other compensation." Barrett lays out his case
in this post on X:
past nine months following my departure from Bungie have been very difficult and
painful for me as I've had to endure rampant speculation, unfounded attacks on
my reputation, and innuendo about what happened behind the scenes to cause me to
be fired after 25 years of loyal service. I want to thank everyone who has been
there for me.
I've eagerly awaited the opportunity to get the truth out there and tell my side
of the story, and now is that time. Today, I filed a lawsuit against Sony and
Bungie to hold them accountable for their conduct and the damage that has been
done to my reputation and my career.
I am confident that the facts are on my side and look forward to clearing my
name through the legal process. Because this is a pending legal matter, there is
nothing else I can say about it at this time.