Fall Damage Studio and Hyperjump Interactive announces
ALARA Prime, a
free-to-play 4v4v4 online tactical shooter designed by former DICE employees.
It's expected to enter Early Access on PC next year, but this is undergoing
playtesting before then, and you can sign up for that
on Steam.
Here's an
Alpha Playtest
Trailer that aims to show off the game, and here's more on what to expect:
the upcoming 4v4v4 FPS ALARA Prime three teams will strategize and backstab each
other to secure the uplink and win the round. In each round, one team defends
the objective while the other two teams swarm the arena in close-quarters combat
to gain control. Coordinate a 2v1 attack against the defending squad,
temporarily abandon the uplink for a surprise ambush, or go guns-blazing in all
directions for an all-out frenzy.
Assemble a four-person squad of world-class combatants composed of Assault,
Infiltrator, Support, and Engineer classes. Fashion a favorable loadout with
primary and secondary weapons like one-shot snipers, assault rifles, and pistols
that suit each gun-wielding playstyle.
Activate game-changing alt fires included on every primary weapon. Slow rivals’
movement with the Stasis Trap, or silence friendly footsteps with the Mute Field
to sneak into perfect positioning. Deploy Spotting Beacons that reveal enemy
locations, or place an Absorber to devour enemy smoke