Early Access to
Speedball is now live
on Steam,
kicking off Rebellion's return to the futuristic bloodsport invented in the
1980s by the Bitmap Brothers. This is set in 2038, which is more than twice as
close to the present day than 1988 launch of the original game or its even
better-received 1990 sequel. The
Early Access Launch
Trailer introduces this violent sportsball game and its aggressive
combatants. Here's word:
A brand new entry into the legendary Bitmap
Brothers series! Venture into the grim future of 2138 where mega-corporations
use Speedball to distract the downtrodden masses from their miserable lives.
Once an underground sport reviled for its brutality, Speedball has risen to
unprecedented heights of popularity and profitability.
It is the only sport that allows two cybernetically augmented teams to go
head-to-head at levels of speed and violence beyond human limitations, where any
moment could be a player’s last.