Out of the Blue

Shanah tovah to all who are observing Yom Kippur, which began at sundown last night. This is the Jewish day of atonement, and quite a solemn occasion. But at least I won't have to atone for forgetting this like I did Rosh Hashanah the other day.

My mishap yesterday made me aware that my cloud backup isn't working properly. Thankfully I had a local physical backup too. I've jumped through some hoops but still have some issue to overcome, as I can get OneDrive to spend an hour updating its backup, but it won't pick up anything more recent than two years ago. Googling "OneDrive sync problems" uncovers countless articles to theoretically help because this basic function seems to fail for lots of users. So it's not just me, it seems this is another of those things that Microsoft managed to Zune up. Wish me luck.

Zuned-up Round-up
Thanks Ant, Neutronbeam, and Max.




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