Out of the Blue

Well, I've already had a full day, as an odd mishap with my editor deleted the entire bluesnews directory on my local PC (the danger of working with two decade-old software, I suppose). I was able to restore it from a backup, but lost the draft of today's news, which was a pain. I managed to piece most of it back together, which involved working through my email trash, which sort of feels like eating out of the dumpster. It was definitely more excitement than necessary for first thing in the morning, but at least everything is mostly back under control at this point.

Obituary: Anime Voice Actress Nobuyo Oyama, Voice of Doraemon and Danganronpa's Villainous Mascot, Dies at 90 - IGN.

Fixed-up Round-up
Thanks Ant, Neutronbeam, and Max.

Breakfast Link




