Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles Changes Title to... Something

Wired Productions announces Bulwark: Evolution is the new title of the game previously known as Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles, the city builder from solo developer Tomas Sala. This is not the first title change for the project, and the announcement seems to admit the prior switch was capricious: "However, this time the title change is not born of frustration or silly rage-baiting, he’s gone and changed the nature of the game and truly evolved it beyond the already unique and innovative city builder it already was." The dangers of such ready, fire, aim marketing are seen in how the Windows edition is now listed on Steam as Bulwark Evolution: Falconeer Chronicles while GOG still lists it as Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles* as of this writing, so nobody has the title right anymore. The news comes with a Reveal Trailer that commits the same sin, ending with a logo for Falconeer Chronicles: Bulwark Evolution. Whatever the title, there's a playable demo to see what's what. This post describes the "massive update" that accompanies the name change while warning interested gamers not to buy a copy until Friday:
Just now the massive update previously branded "Naval Command" goes live and as you might notice there's a bit of a rebrand and a new name. Now those that have followed me, know that I had some fun with renaming in the past, and in the spirit of that I now present: Bulwark Evolution. A rebrand to celebrate what's basically as close to a 1.0 as I can get. I mean, it's gonna take you a moment to scroll through all the changes and additions and I hope that is enough reason for a little song and dance.

And that song and dance includes a massive daily deal sale coming this Friday of no less than 50%
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