Résumé Sparks Half-Life Game Rumors

A post on Reddit points to a voice actor's résumé that's prompted rampant speculation that Valve is working on a new Half-Life project (thanks VG247). This CV has reportedly since been edited to remove the reference to codename "White Sands" that started this all, but you can't read it because the page now shows a "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" message due to all the hubbub. Since nobody loves speculating about Valve rumors more that YouTuber Tyler McVicker, here's his reaction video making the case that this is the revelation of Half-Life 3. Here's the description of the clip:
It’s time. It is finally time. These last few days have been filled with leaks and new information coming to light about Valve’s next single player game, codenamed HLX. All evidence, including datamined strings from CS2 and DOTA 2, along with accidental leaks from former developers on the game, point towards this game being Half-Life 3.