Pellet Pallet Round-up
Thanks Ant and Neutronbeam.Brunch Link
- I Paid $250 To Drive For Lyft Last Year. Thanks JDreyer.
- Meet Phelan the rescue pup—now America’s fastest dog. Thanks Max.
- Fantastic Four Reboot Announced.
- Zodiac Killer's cipher that has stumped law enforcement has been solved.
- Scotland names its snow plows and their titles are amazing.
- Intense full-face Blanc mask filters air, hides your identity.
- Scientists suggest US embassies were hit with high-power microwaves – here's how the weapons work. Thanks Max.
- Saving Corpse Flowers From Being Inbred to Extinction (may require registration or subscription).
- Worst Buy on Instagram: "I like the Sega Genesis version better, they didn’t blur out the genitalia."
- Worst Buy on Instagram: "Leaving Night City is out of bounds!"
- SpaceX's latest Starship prototype COLLAPSES on the launch pad. Thanks RedEye9.