Bohemia Interactive announces an April 11th release date for the upcoming
Tanks DLC for
Arma 3, their military shooter sequel. They celebrate the news
with more details on the add-on along with the release of a new
video developer diary.
Word is: "Tanks DLC will conclude Arma 3's current development roadmap by
introducing a brand new Main Battle Tank, Armored Weapons Carrier, Tank
Destroyer, a short singleplayer mini-campaign, and a singleplayer Showcase
scenario." Arma 3 Tanks is now available for preorder through the
Bohemia Interactive
Store and
Steam. The DLC will be accompanied by a major update for the base game:
DLC will be complemented by a major free platform update (version 1.82). This
update introduces free new features and bonus content for all owners of Arma 3:
- One of the highlight of this update is the
addition of fully-modeled 3D interiors for all armored vehicles in
Arma 3. On top of that, the overall experience of operating armored vehicles
will be enhanced in the form of improved handling, an extended damage model,
vehicle customization options, and upgraded audio.
- Moreover, players will be able to make use of
various new targeting options while fighting with or against armored
vehicles; the Fire-Control System (FCS) automatically measures the
range and speed of a target, adjusts a weapon's zeroing, and calculates the
lead to increase the chances of a first-round hit, whereas new missile
flight profiles and capabilities enable players to fire missiles in
either a direct or top-down attack mode. The update will also add support
for terrain-following munitions, plus a few weapons will now also have the
ability to lock-on after launch.
- Aside from new features, the free platform update
will also introduce a new team-vs-team multiplayer mode called
"Vanguard", 3 new Time Trial Challenges for the new DLC vehicles, as
well as free bonus content such as 2 new anti-tank launchers, and
new vehicle variants of the Offroad pickup and Light Strike Vehicles
that carry a mounted launcher.
- Lastly, Arma 3 content creators will be able to
make use of a variety of free new decorative objects via the in-game
Scenario Editor.