Obsidian announces that their upcoming RPG will not contain any sort of loot
boxes or microtransactions, taking a proactive approach to decrying these
features that have a attracted a lot of negative attention and controversy
lately (thanks
DSOGaming). So now we know more about what the game won't have than what it
will. What we do know is that it will be an RPG, it will
have a title, it will be published through
Take-Two's new label Private
Division, and that development is being led by Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky.
Here's word:
We’re extremely excited about our upcoming RPG, and we know
you are too. We wish we could tell you all about it right now… but we’re going
to hold off until the time is right. What we did want to talk about was a
question a lot of you have been raising: “Will this upcoming game feature any
lootboxes or other microtransactions?”
The answer is simply: “no.” No microtransactions, of any kind, in our game.
We also wanted to say a word about our partnership with Private Division, our
publisher on this title. Far from “pushing” us to put anything --
microtransactions or otherwise -- into our game, Private Division has been
incredibly supportive of our vision, our creative freedom, and the process by
which we work to make RPGs. They have been fantastic partners, and we are
extremely excited to work with them through release, to put what we know is
going to be an amazing game into as many hands as possible.
As always, thank you so much for your support. We know we couldn’t do what we do
without our fans, and we want you to know that we put you guys first in every
decision we make.