CapCom Unity has details on plans to update
Dead Rising 4 with new
difficulty modes. They also announce that the zombie game will be released on
January 31st in Germany, the first time a game in the series has shambled into
the region. Finally, they also discuss plans for a 60-minute trial version of
the game, but the trial is only coming to Xbox One. The new modes will also come
to Windows 10, though, so here's more on them:
Since Dead Rising 4
released on Dec. 6, players have killed over seven billion zombies, eclipsing
the population of planet Earth. You’ve also taken over three million photos and
selfies, eclipsing most of the Kardashian family on any given weekend.
To offer current players further engagement with Frank’s world, I’m excited
today to announce that we’re introducing two new game difficulty modes and
releasing a Street Fighter outfit pack, both free to all players. This is
accompanied by a patch fixing several bugs we’ve been tracking since launch.
To attract new players to Dead Rising 4, we are also releasing a one hour timed
The mayhem continues with two all-new difficulty modes
Frank will need to be a lot more careful and aware of his surroundings when
trying to survive on a higher difficulty. Enemies do more damage; Frank’s
weapons break faster and food restores less health than before. Keep your eyes
peeled, watch your back, and don’t forget to scrounge for every weapon – you are
going to need them.
The new difficulty modes will be available to players on Jan 30.
Frank West Meets Street Fighter
While in game, just visit your wardrobe and you will find these five outfits for
your ultimate zombie fighting experience.
The outfits will be available in game on Jan 30. Handsome fighters never lose