Battlefield 1 Trailer

EA also now offers the promised gameplay reveal trailer from Battlefield 1. This shows off the vintage brutal warfare from the upcoming military shooter, though this does still seem to be mostly cinematics. Here's the description: "Watch the official Battlefield 1 gameplay trailer and discover war on an epic scale, with 64-players engaging in some of the largest multiplayer battles in FPS history. Experience the Dawn of All-Out War, Only in Battlefield 1." There's also a post on the topic on the Battlefield website:
If you watched the trailers for Battlefield 1 (and if you're reading this, there’s a good chance you have) you likely noticed a variety of locations at the dawn of all-out war. Deserts. Forests. Crumbling cities. Battlefield 1 will bring you to new and exciting locations and let you take part in some of the largest battles in FPS history.

Want to take a peek at some more info on what those maps entail and – more importantly – what you'll be doing once you play them? Two new pages have been added to that should help you out. There's a Maps page , which includes four of the maps that will come with Battlefield 1, as well as a Modes page, complete with insight into three modes.

These, obviously, aren't the extent of what's going to be available. They're just a taste, and we'll update these pages as we approach the October 21 release (or October 18 if you pre-order the Early Enlister Edition). We can’t wait to tell you more.