Harebrained Schemes announces details on a
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's
Cut coming to Windows, OS X, and Linux next month, saying this will be free
to owners of the original Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Here's word
from Kickstarter:
Hello from GenCon!
As promised a couple weeks ago, we’re ready to tell you more about
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director’s Cut. In fact, Mitch and Jordan will be
talking about the game at their
Shadowrun “What’s Next” panel tomorrow at the Crowne Plaza. If you’re at
GenCon, come check out the panel! You can also drop by Booth 2343 to chat more
with members of the Harebrained team, play some
Golem Arcana, or catch a sneak peek of the
new Dragonfall trailer.
But if you’re not here at GenCon, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Here’s the
scoop on the Director’s Cut:
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director’s Cut will be released for Windows, OSX & Linux
on September 18th, 2014 for $14.99. It will be available on Steam, GoG,
and the Humble Store. And - in case you missed our
previous update: as a continued “thank you” for your support, the
Director’s Cut will be FREE to all Backers and owners of the original Dragonfall