Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition in February

The Bethesda Blog announces the Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition, a bundle of Obsidian's action/RPG sequel along with all four of its DLC packs. Here's word on the package, which is due for all platforms on February 7, 2012 in north America and three days later in Europe:
We’re pleased to announce the Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition will be available in retail stores across North America on February 7th 2012 and throughout Europe on February 10th. The Ultimate Edition comes complete with all of the game add-on content for Fallout: New Vegas – Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road, Courier’s Stash, and Gun Runners’ Arsenal.

For players who are seasoned explorers of New Vegas or just getting into the game for the first time, the Ultimate Edition expands beyond the Wasteland like never before with the Sierra Madre Casino, Zion National Park, Big MT research crater and the treacherous Divide now open for exploring. Along with new areas to explore, each of the four main add-on packs increases the maximum level cap by five levels, ultimately raising the cap to level 50.

New Vegas Ultimate Edition will be available on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.