interview on GameShark speaks with Jean-Francois Dugas of Eidos Montreal about
Deus Ex: Human Revolution, ambitiously discussing the elements of transhumanism in the upcoming action/RPG prequel. Here's a bit on that topic:
Once again, transhumanism brings a lot of hope in terms of improving who we are but it also brings a lot of questions because we can look at who we are from a natural position where we are what we are and we should stay like that. So now we’re entering in to ethical problems and moral issues and depending on the background of different people they have different opinions on the subject.
I think with the game we’re trying to reflect those different opinions through the story and through the characters you’re going to meet in some of the missions and let the player explore it in some of the decisions they’re going to have to make. It’s about getting the player into that fantasy and getting them to answer the questions and figure out what they think about it. It’s in the background but it also comes to the forefront during the missions where you’re asked to do things and have to make a decision. I’m trying to stay very vague because I don’t want spoilers; these issues are some of the most impactful in the game.