From: Paul Furio
Subject: Mailbag letters about Teen Murders Lawsuit
Greetings. I just read through the mailbag
letters regarding the lawsuit by parents against various entertainment firms. I thought
I'd add a little heat to the fire...
First: It is truly tragic that these children were killed. However, it would seem to me
that the only person who stands to gain anything from this lawsuit is the lawyer who is
presenting it, and he will probably not get much more than his retainer. No precedent
exists for this kind of case to go forward, and it it doubtful at best that this will
change with this case.
Second: I don't think this particular crime
is any indication as to "The Decline of America." The notion that this country
was once a great and stable nation is sadly an illusion. Things are now simultaneously as
good and bad as things have ever been, give or take, and will probably remain as such. Any
solid research into our domestic history will attest to that. People tend to think that
things were "better in the old days" simply because of the lack of accumulated
life experience they had back in "the old days."
Third: Preventing or at least minimizing the
chances that such an event will occur in the near future is not the responsibility of some
nebulous presence known collectively as "the media" or "game makers"
but is the responsibility of every citizen of the country, and even the world. Taking the
time to think rationally about matters, teaching our children and even our adults to find
constructive outlets for their emotions, tolerating that which is different instead of
fearing it, all these things take effort and time. And yet it is these things, not
legislation written on paper, not suits debating in a pristine chamber of government, not
more soldiers of peace parading the streets, which breed a society that may hope to reduce
it's own misfortune. Sadly, how many people will ever consider this option in their lives?
I have a great respect for the people who
contribute to this site, either by creating content, making the games that are featured on
it, or just checking in now and again. On the whole, we represent a reasonably well
educated open minded segment of society. Yet, our focus is on generally violent games. It
is a testament to our ability to realize that these games are an outlet, not an end, and
that we and our parents take the effort to instill this ability to reason within us, that
makes us good citizens. If only the world could emulate these qualities, and realize that
even in great tragedies it is better to fix the flaws in ourselves and work for
improvements on a local scale than to point broadly waving fingers at distant entities,
how much better a place would the world be?
Thanks for your time.