
Blue's News artwork by Walter |2| Costinak <2@2design.org>

File Download

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Date: August 13, 2000
Name: Unreal Tournament 428 Win32 Patch
Size: 6.0 MB (6,296,064 bytes)
Source: Epic Games
ftp.bluesnews.com: UTPatch428.exe
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Unreal Tournament version 428 Release Notes

Version 428 is completely network compatible with all previous public releases of UT (versions 400, 402, 405b, 413, 420, and 425).

Bug fixes

- fixed 425's D3D problems
- improved client prediction of other players on slopes
- fixed 'killall bot' working on servers even if not admin
- fixed Unrealed2 problems with DirectInput (by disabling DirectInput when using Unrealed2).
- fixed picked up weapons occasionally looping firing anim.
- fixed another case where server would keep sending data to client after disconnect.
- fixed Unrealed2 mesh viewer problem.
- fixed Owner being passed to new actor in Mutator.ReplaceWith().
- fixed creeping ping problem with Win2K.
- fix for occasional accidental port changes on servers using NGStats:
These ini files are used: [IpServer.UdpServerQuery] OldQueryPortNumber=0
bRestartServerOnPortSwap=True OldQueryPortNumber will get saved to the current value of the query port number. If the port number changes, the server will quit - and restart automatically if you are using an appropriate batch file ( see http:\\unreal.epicgames.com\utservers.htm ).
Setting OldQueryPortNumber to 0 will cause it to save the current port number again, so you should set this value to 0 when you want to change the port number deliberately (ie you're running a second server on the same machine).

Users of S3 Savage 4 chipset and Viper II/Savage2000 cards should try using the latest S3 MeTaL drivers specific to their card to obtain the best performance. New Metal .dlls are available from S3's support site. Note: after applying our latest UT patch, you should only need to put the appropriate Metal.DLL file for your particular S3 card into your UnrealTournament\system folder, while keeping the MetalDrv.dll that comes with the UT patch.
Full version of Unreal Tournament

All efforts are made to screen files for malicious content. However, these files are provided by outside parties not affiliated with Blue's News, and no support, warranty, or help can be offered. Please address any issues to individual authors.

Most Recent Local Files

Black & White Movie
TRIBES 2 Movie
3dfx FSAA Shots
Q3A 1.16j for Win32
Q3A 1.16j for Mac
Q3A 1.16j for Linux
TRIBES 1.10 Patch
TRIBES 1.0 Patch
Nocturne Patch #2
Linux VMs Files
Delta Force 2 Patch
Q3A Game Source
Q3A Win Point Release
Q3A Mac PR Beta
UT 402B Patch
KISS Gameplay Movie
Anti-Logic Q3A Map
Mac Q3A Demo
ParadoX' Q3A Maps
Q3A Tools
Q3A Full Linux Demo
UT 402A Linux Patch
Q3A Linux Server
Q3A Hi-Rez Renders IV
New Q3A Demo
Q3A Hi-Rez Renders III
Q3A Hi-Rez Renders II
Linux Q3A Demo RPM
Linux Q3A Demo tar.gz
Mac Q3A Demo Test
Q3A Hi-Rez Renders
Unreal Tourney Demo
UT Demo Patch
TRIBES 1.8-1.9 Patch
TRIBES 1.0-1.9 Patch
Nocturne Demo
Making of Omikron Movie
PoP3D Demo
Kingpin 1.2 Patch
Dungeon Keeper 2 Editor
Descent 3 1.2 Patch
Half-Life 1010-1013
Half-Life 1009-1013
Half-Life 1005-1013
Sin 1.04-1.06 Patch
Sin 1.01-1.06 Patch
Linux Q3Test 1.08
Linux Q3Test RPM
Win32 Q3Test 1.08
Mac Q3Test 1.08
AvP 1.3 Save Patch
Kiss Movie
Unreal 224
3dfx Config Util
Diablo II Movie
TFC GameSpy Tab
HL SDK Source
Mortyr Movie
Kingpin Demo
SinCTF Beta 2
X-Wing Alliance Demo
Requiem Movie
Shogo 2.2 Tools
Shogo 2.2 Source
Wheel of Time Movie
Star Wars Trailer
Shogo Small Patch
Shogo Big Patch
Kingpin AVI
Skout AVI
TRIBES InsomniaX
Wages of Sin Movie
Drakan Movie
Q3A QT Movie
RustMill H-L Map
DoubleCross H-L Map
Blood2 Patch
TRIBES Volumer
Thief Patch
New Thief Demo
Half-Life Demo
TRIBES Crosshairs
Descent 3 Demo 1.1.1
Half-Life Multiplayer Files
Quake III Arena AVI
Q2 Christmas Movie
Sin Game .dll Source
Heretic II Map Pack
QuakeWorld 2.33 Test
glDoom 0.94d
Shogo 2.1 Demo
Fixed Shogo 2.1
Fixed Shogo 2.1 .dll
PowerVR Half-Life
PowerVR Half-Life
Half-Life Texture SDK
T.M.C.M. H-L Model
The Hill H-L DM Map
Quake II 3.20
Blood2 Patch
H-L Barney Model
LithTech Tools
Shogo Source
3Dfx MiniGL
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KHG Playable Demo
Rocket Arena2 Full
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Action2 VWep Fix
Action2 Full Client
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16 Bit Banshee GL
KHG Version 1.1
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Reg. Sin Benchmark
SinView 1.2b
Blood2 Demo Patch
Heavy Gear II Demo
Banshee MiniGL
QW Server Patch
Updated Blood2 Demo

Most Wanted

Quake II 3.20 Binaries
Sin 1.01 Patch
Shogo 2.0 Patch
Unreal 220 Beta
Quake II 3.14 Demo
Quake II CTF 1.02
Quake II 1.02 Update
Q2 Player Pack #2
Q2 Visible Weapons
Second Sin Demo
GL Quake 0.97
Quake 1.08
WinQuake 1.0
QW 2.30 Installer
QW 2.30 Server