Dude, the graphics won't be updated. All you're getting is a pack of content updates and a AI director that can change the weather. I don't know what you're thinking comparing it to SC2.
It looked very different to me, updated and a little more like TF2. There was a bit more color. The zombies had a traditional zombie movie look with all kinds of different color clothes and accessories. Body damage looked more detailed and model specific. Hey I could be wrong, just looked that way to me.
Also I wasn't comparing SC2 to L4D in any way, I was comparing wait times between games. It was one extreme compared with another.
This comment was edited on Jun 2, 2009, 06:00.
PS3 resurgance by GOW3 - Check! Mass Effect for PS3 - Check! Diablo 3 for consoles? I say "For sure"!