New Assassin's Creed II Altair Ego

May Cover Story Revealed on the Game Informer Website shows the next print issue of the gaming magazine will focus on Assassin's Creed II. If the character in the cover art seems unfamiliar, that's because the stealthy sequel features a new player character named Ezio. Word is: "In Assassin’s Creed 2, players take on the role of Ezio, a young noble whose family was lost through rival ruling families' betrayals. In addition to the new character, players are going to get to explore a new setting: Renaissance-era Venice. What else is going on? Well, you’re going to have to pick up the May issue of Game Informer if you want the complete story on Ubisoft’s latest." There are also articles on Kotaku and ScrewAttack (thanks Chris) with information supposedly contained in that Game Informer coverage, though this is all unconfirmed at the moment.
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Re: New Assassin's Creed II Altair Ego
Apr 10, 2009, 23:39
Re: New Assassin's Creed II Altair Ego Apr 10, 2009, 23:39
Apr 10, 2009, 23:39
People read stealth and they think shadows and sneaking around, but AC was much more about hiding in a crowd and how you act in public holding the Stealth button and sitting on benches.


If you wanted Thief 4 I can see being dissapointed, but I loved the game.

I wasn't expecting Thief 4, I was expecting Splinter Cell. Or Hitman. Or Manhunt. Or even MGS. Anything with more depth than just finding some arbitrary (or just downright absurd) hiding place or just holding down the Stealth button when walking past guards.

The biggest flaw in AC was the combat being too easy, which negated the desire to stay hidden.

Agreed with the combat being too easy. Was that the biggest flaw? Hard to say. I thought the stealth, platforming and combat mechanics were equally shallow and boring. Then you factor in the extremely repetitious and generic missions and the very linear assassinations. The only good thing I can really say about AC is that it had great animation.
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   Re: New Assassin's Creed II Altair Ego
Apr 11, 2009Apr 11 2009
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