WoW 3.0 on the PTR

Though the World of Warcraft Public Test Realm Patch Notes still list version 2.4.3, Massively reports that a new version 3.0 patch is now live on the World of Warcraft PTR, offering the chance to sample the last major update before the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Changes include major character class revamps, the new inscription profession, a new area in the city of Stormwind, barbershops in capital cities, and more.
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Re: Sorry Q
Sep 16, 2008, 02:56
Re: Sorry Q Sep 16, 2008, 02:56
Sep 16, 2008, 02:56
Hey, no problem. Thanks for even considering to give out beta key. Much appreciated.

Sorry Q
Sep 16, 2008, 02:48
Sorry Q Sep 16, 2008, 02:48
Sep 16, 2008, 02:48
He used it and has it downloading now. Actually I wish I would have e-bayed it but I've never been an opportunistic.

Either way good luck finding another key. Or just pre-order the game. It's due out in November and they just got the SKUs at the local game stores.

Avatar 11537
No subject
Sep 15, 2008, 15:01
No subject Sep 15, 2008, 15:01
Sep 15, 2008, 15:01
I'm sure the WoW patch will breathe some new life into the game for those who don't mind the gameplay focus. For me, I'm tired of the exhausting raids and love the openness of WAR RVR combat, as everyone in your guild can now participate, not just a select group like in WoW. Should definitely alleviate a lot of the in-fighting in guilds, as no one is left behind.

As for the game's graphics, I think they're great. I mean it's a totally different style from WoW's cartoony but very richly colored palette. WAR's visuals are a little bit more realistic and thus the color palette is darker, especially in certain race areas. I think if anything, as other people have commented in the past, the animations for the characters could do with a bit of an upgrade.

Some of my favorite classes so far are the Chaos Chosen (tank) and Chaos Zealot (healer). For the Order side, I'm definitely having a blast with the Dwarven Engineer. He's a ton of fun to play.

All said and done though, WoW and WAR are two different styles of gameplay. WAR requires a lot of cooperation and teamwork. I mean even crafting items can't be done alone unless you buy the extra items from the AH. It's not like WoW where you could take Herbalism and Alchemy, then pick your herbs and make your own potions from them. In WAR you only get a portion of the components to craft something.

Re: No subject
Sep 14, 2008, 23:54
Re: No subject Sep 14, 2008, 23:54
Sep 14, 2008, 23:54
while i abhor what ea has done to spore, idon't understnad what the f#@$ does a tities-sucking company like stardock is even worth mentioning in this fiasco. i mean, geez, they can at least compare ea to activision / blizzard, etc, but stardock ??? last time i heard, they were trying to gain some publicity by shitting out a so-called "gamer's bill of right". and now this.

Uhhh... what? Wrong thread to post your inane, poorly constructed arguments.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Avatar 43041
No subject
Sep 14, 2008, 23:19
No subject Sep 14, 2008, 23:19
Sep 14, 2008, 23:19
I think a good point to make with regards to MMOs is that we've moved from player driven content in it's early days(UO) to developer content(WoW, etc). I guess it's just a personal choice but the latter type always seems to be lackluster to me. It's an ongoing race to continue to provide original content to the player to keep them subscribing. The more freeform MMO's are much more interesting where players create their own intrigue and stories with their actions and social groups.

Warhammer is a nice bridge between both. The RvR PVP content gives the game somewhat "real" stakes to the players, give thems a unique form of ongoing competition that can't be influenced by botters or selling Arena points. They have the usual run of the mill quests and storyline stuff for the more casual MMO players as well.

Frankly I'd love the game if it didn't look like utter shit. Honestly, it's probably one of the worst looking MMO's I've ever seen and that's on my GTX280 with everything turned up. I was looking for something like Age of Conan in terms of graphics from Warhammer and was really let down. I know they're trying to make it accessible to masses of people but I'd expect at least some form of upscaling for the rest of us who don't own $500 Dell laptops.

If you can get over the graphics then you'll love Warhammer. Lich King is nice but its really just more refinement of the same formula. As someone else said, you can only play WoW for so long until it really hits you that it's a fairly rigid formula and you basically just treadmill until the next content patch. Something like Warhammer gives you that if you want it but also gives you the opportunity to make your own legends and stories.

Avatar 51617
Re: Are the beta invites linked?
Sep 14, 2008, 22:45
Re: Are the beta invites linked? Sep 14, 2008, 22:45
Sep 14, 2008, 22:45
Fion I'm dying to know how far into the game you went before making your decision? How many characters did you play and to what level? If you never made it to your first Keep battle then you missed out...

From my experience, there are some pluses and minuses.

CB/PW/OB player.

Got to 21 on my Witchhunter and had a ball. Combat is pretty good. Graphics are nothing to write home about although the DVD with high rez textures should improve the look quite a bit.

RvR: Good fun, played a lot of keep battles, set piece stuff, which was great. Holding a keep outnumbered 2:1 by destro was particularly great.

Public Quests: Brilliant idea. Like an instance boss fight that resets and is publicly available.

Rep Grinds: Influence from PQ's is the new rep. Easy as pie to do 3 or 4 PQ's in an area (usually you only have to repeat one once if you do all of them) and the rewards are pretty good, particularly in T2.

Scenarios (battlegrounds): Excellent fun, you can get in and stay reasonably competitive at lvl 1, so you can get renown gear as you rank up. Varied types (CTF, king of the hill, take and hold etc).

This from a 4 year vet of WoW /retired.

I'm sure WoTLK will have plenty of good new stuff to play with but I think (like a lot of players) I'm just looking for something new.

As for the whole WoW vs WAR thing, bleh, try both and see what you like. The bloody epeen contests (carebear vs "zomg peeveepee hardcorez for example) associated with MMO's are just getting plain stupid at this point. Play what you like and enjoy it and worry less about what everyone else is playing imo.

What TF is Stardock ???
Sep 14, 2008, 22:08
What TF is Stardock ??? Sep 14, 2008, 22:08
Sep 14, 2008, 22:08
while i abhor what ea has done to spore, idon't understnad what the f#@$ does a tities-sucking company like stardock is even worth mentioning in this fiasco. i mean, geez, they can at least compare ea to activision / blizzard, etc, but stardock ??? last time i heard, they were trying to gain some publicity by shitting out a so-called "gamer's bill of right". and now this.

Re: Are the beta invites linked?
Sep 14, 2008, 21:44
Re: Are the beta invites linked? Sep 14, 2008, 21:44
Sep 14, 2008, 21:44
I should be excited about this.. but instead, I'm feverishly reading Warhammer forums.. getting juiced for the impending fun.

I'm listening to my guildmates on vent right now talking about the game while they play.. they all love it.

I'm downloading the game right now on Direct to Drive... can't wait!!

Re: Are the beta invites linked?
Sep 14, 2008, 19:15
Re: Are the beta invites linked? Sep 14, 2008, 19:15
Sep 14, 2008, 19:15
Alright Q, if my daughter's boyfriend can't use it it is yours. He has a MAC and I'm not sure if it's both PC & MAC. Told him to let me know as soon as he can.

Haven't been that interest to tell you the truth. Let you know soon enough...

Edit: Fion I'm dying to know how far into the game you went before making your decision? How many characters did you play and to what level? If you never made it to your first Keep battle then you missed out...

This comment was edited on Sep 14, 19:34.
Avatar 11537
Re: Are the beta invites linked?
Sep 14, 2008, 14:33
Re: Are the beta invites linked? Sep 14, 2008, 14:33
Sep 14, 2008, 14:33
Paranoid Jack

The beta key shouldn't be linked to anything, according to

I would be interested in giving the Lich King beta a try, if you can spare the key.

No subject
Sep 14, 2008, 14:30
No subject Sep 14, 2008, 14:30
Sep 14, 2008, 14:30
Whether it's a WoW killer or not is a moot point. If it inspires the designers to use certain ideas and implement them into their own game then I am all for it if it makes my experience that much better.

I will probably check it out and make my own decision but in all honesty I am more keen on the 40k Universe.
Avatar 50040
Re: No subject
Sep 14, 2008, 14:14
Re: No subject Sep 14, 2008, 14:14
Sep 14, 2008, 14:14
The only reason WARs servers are being hammered is because it's a new MMOG and open to play for free at the moment. The game itself is a tired, slow, has-been that after a few hours gives you the creeping suspicion that you played the game for years already and are getting bored.

The zone design is strict and extraordinarily linear, the PvP is decent but the combat is so painful on most classes it simply isn't fun, though being able to jump in, lvl and get gear from it is nice, it's far FAR to carebear compared to other xp/loot rewarding PvP MMOGs.

Imho it'll do about as well as LotRO, but after the new shine wears off.. and likely very quickly, the game isn't going to come close to being the 'WoW Killer' all the fanbois think it is.

Avatar 17499
No subject
Sep 14, 2008, 13:44
No subject Sep 14, 2008, 13:44
Sep 14, 2008, 13:44
I cancelled over a year ago and Blizzard has sent me no less than three invites to the Lich King beta. I've made over $300 on Ebay so far, keep em comin Blizz!

Avatar 51617
Are the beta invites linked?
Sep 14, 2008, 13:32
Are the beta invites linked? Sep 14, 2008, 13:32
Sep 14, 2008, 13:32
I got an invite I won't be using since WAR is open for Early Access. And boy, oh boy, are those servers getting hammered. No pun intended. They better bring another dozen on-line soon.

They already have more than a dozen and then queues are retarded long to get into the game. Just like WoW when it went live some three or four years back.

Anyway, if my daughters boyfriend can't or doesn't want to use it I may be able to give it to somebody on here. That is my question though is it linked to my original account or just my e-mail?

If it's just e-mail I can forward the taker any e-mails until they get the e-mail account changed. Let me know if anyone wants to try this...

Edit: You must have an active WoW account with the BC expansion. Must have been active Aug 22nd I think it was. I don't have an active account so I'm not sure why they sent me on invite.
This comment was edited on Sep 14, 13:35.
Avatar 11537
Re: Methinks...
Sep 14, 2008, 13:10
Re: Methinks... Sep 14, 2008, 13:10
Sep 14, 2008, 13:10
I'm in the beta too Ray Marden! And yeah, I have to say I like Northrend a lot.

"There are parts of New York I wouldn't advise you to invade."
- Bogart as Rick in Casablanca
"Van Gogh painted alone and in despair and in madness and sold one picture in his entire life. Millions struggled alone, unrecognized, and struggled as heroically as any famous hero. Was it worthless? I knew it wasn't."
Re: No subject
Sep 14, 2008, 12:28
Re: No subject Sep 14, 2008, 12:28
Sep 14, 2008, 12:28
probly for the beta, but not for the test realm i bet.

ive often thought that you should be able to have real gms direct you on real adventured. some kind of queue system, or something. it would be nice to see something out of the ordinary from time to time.

No subject
Sep 14, 2008, 11:35
No subject Sep 14, 2008, 11:35
Sep 14, 2008, 11:35
I hope they bring out Doom Lord Kazzak or some other world boss right before WotLK comes out much like how they had Kruul before BC to pillage the cities.
Avatar 50040
Re: Methinks...
Sep 14, 2008, 11:31
Re: Methinks... Sep 14, 2008, 11:31
Sep 14, 2008, 11:31
i saw the post on mmo-champion last night when it was breaking news and so im on the ptr this morning with my toon copied. i hear the wait time for copies is gonna get pretty long. a lvl 1 is no way to test out this particular patch i think

Sep 14, 2008, 11:26
Methinks... Sep 14, 2008, 11:26
Sep 14, 2008, 11:26
you meant "...a new are*a* in the city of..."

Anyway, yay for this mini-WotLK content patch! We made it into the beta of the full WotLK a few days back and I am actually enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would - insane lag excluded.

Sadly, pathetically, I will then be able to go out and purchase any/every/all mounts and pets!
DK = OP!
Insane %),

Let me be the one to give credit where due: Current employees of Mythic are jerks.
s{I love you, mom.
This comment was edited on Sep 15, 01:38.
Everything is awesome!!!
I love you, mom.
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