It has taken the morons in EA management
this long to figure this out?
Though the game industry is growing, Lamestop is both gobbling up all the smaller local game retailers and making hhhuugggeee profits from selling "used" games.
Of course, EA is taking the completely wrong approach to this - looking at more DRM, authentication, nickel and diming for the smallest bits of game, etc.
The industry is growing and doing relatively well so it will not make any changes, but they do really need to look at issues affecting length, turnover, and pricing.
Lamestop and other companies are definitely whoring out the used game model (which is a separate issue - likewise ignored,) but the core flaw is actually with the developer and the overall model of game pricing...
In the the short term (5-10 years,) I guess the developers can move the whoring back to themselves by converting to purely digital delivery. Again, completely ignoring the core issue.
Completely unrelated, but I cannot wait for the day EA destructs.Thinking this is a perfect case of stupidity in motion,
Let me be the one to give credit where due: Current employees of Mythic are jerks. love you, mom.
Everything is awesome!!! love you, mom.