"What that says is that in the games business we will be able to encrypt with an absolutely verifiable private key in the encryption world - which is uncrackable by people on the internet and by giving away passwords - which will allow for a huge market to develop in some of the areas where piracy has been a real problem."
Bushnell thinks that piracy of movies and music, however, is probably unstoppable because "if you can watch it and you can hear it, you can copy it."
"Games are a different thing, because games are so integrated with the code. The TPM will, in fact, absolutely stop piracy of gameplay.
"As soon as the installed base of the TPM hardware chip gets large enough, we will start to see revenues coming from Asia and India at a time when before it didn't make sense."
With all the ridiculous hype, unreliable reviews and misleading or nonexistent demos, the only real way to find out if a game is worth buying is to play it first.Gee, a purchase that involves an element of risk. Shock horror! The answer is to find review sites you trust, take into account hype, read forums and avoid games without demos. If you come across a misleading demo then that's an indication you should avoid that publisher or be more wary.
Then don't pirate them. If a product is shit then people won't buy it, the publisher will lose money and will have to change their business model - it's how the market works.
See the difference? One is an external piece of hardware that must be exchanged to fit the software in use. The other is an internal piece of hardware that is not software exclusive. See the difference?And the point of that was what? We both know full well what they are so you're just wasting your time getting all irate. They do the same job, just one can be transported between computers.
I play MMOs, America's Army and games on Steam. None of them require a CD.My point was that most games still come with CD-checks and you've come across them in the past. I don't want to debate semantics just because you want to be awkward - the statement was figurative anyway.
Even if I were to do so, I would grab a no-cd crack for my legally purchased game.The whole point with TPM protection is that it will protect games without getting in the way like CD-checks and online activation do currently. Certainly less effort that searching online and having to jump through hoops everytime you patch a game.
Because I don't have the choice not to for the most part. My monitor does not have HDCP and I don't plan to buy one that does. I generally do not purchase many DVDs (I prefer the theater) and I hardly buy any CDs. When I do buy CDs I make sure they are from artists whose publishers are NOT part of the RIAA. I am sick and tired of being treated like a potential criminal even though I pay for all my content. And I'm sick and tired of paying extra so that companies can NOT stop piracy. This chip is just another step in the direction of pissing me off.Great. You have morals and you follow them - I respect that. However, you do buy DVDs and other technologies that restrict your freedom in order to protect the content producers. Even scanners / scanning software prevent the scanning of banknotes and it isn't possible to avoid them all. This is another such technology and if it was to become as commonplace as DVD/Blu-ray protection then you'd have to use it or play the minority of titles without it.
That's because the majority of titles are complete crap. You wouldn't have bought it anyway even if you didn't play with it for free. Some titles just aren't worth anything, and a lot of them are better waiting till they end up in the $10 bargain bin after a year.Great. Then don't pirate them. If a product is shit then people won't buy it, the publisher will lose money and will have to change their business model - it's how the market works. I don't understand your point. Were you defending pirating bad products? Were you criticsing the industry? Whatever it was there is still no justification for piracy.
Sorry for my assumption that you played one of the 95% of games that feature a CD-check. Minesweeper fun?
The TPM module is a dongle, just built into the motherboard, making dongles relavent to the disucssion.
Why do you buy DVDs with CSS protection? Why do you buy HDCP chips in modern monitors (you'll be hard pushed to find monitors without them soon)? The point is that they facilitate the use of purchased content. Ideally nobody should need them but ideally people aren't cunts that choose to pirate things instead of paying for them. Feel free to boycott them though - my point wasn't to tell you to use them.
I don't understand why you'd bother to pick apart my post and then tell me to piss off. If you don't want a discussion then why are you perpetuating one? NEway, I think you need to take some chill pills or at least show some restraint - it's not like I skull fucked your dead-mother.
You see it constantly from a small, vocal minority, as is the case with every issue.I didn't claim otherwise, I simply said I regularly see people defending piracy in whatever guise.
In three clicks I can torrent any game or movie. Why not make it two clicks to just buy the shit? I've got the cash but the process is broken.Steam allows for that and it works very well.
I don't really see how piracy leading to a sale can be seen as bad. Then again, I don't care about the morality or legality of the issue. If pirating something leads to a sale, then that's good for business.Obviously anything that leads to a sale is good but piracy makes it much easier for people to not pay at all - it is only the minority that buy the games they pirate. Therefore restricting access to games will push some people that would have just pirated it to buy it instead, hence why it is a good thing. I know this to be true because I have many friends that only buy music that they can't pirate. It is up to the publishers to generate sales, not torrent sites - many games have demos; if they don't and it loses sales then that is the PUBLISHER's problem. Simply as. Purchasing from piracy is just a bullshit excuse to legitimise copyright infringement.
Firstly, no I fucking don't. Every game on my hard drive currently is a legally purchased piece of software that DOES NOT require a CD to be in the drive during play.Sorry for my assumption that you played one of the 95% of games that feature a CD-check. Minesweeper fun?
Secondly, you were lauding the use of dongles, which is what I despise, which had nothing to do with the topic specifically....but you brought the shit up, not me.The TPM module is a dongle, just built into the motherboard, making dongles relavent to the disucssion.
Thirdly, why on earth should I be paying for a chip that brings me absolutely no benefit whatsoever?Why do you buy DVDs with CSS protection? Why do you buy HDCP chips in modern monitors (you'll be hard pushed to find monitors without them soon)? The point is that they facilitate the use of purchased content. Ideally nobody should need them but ideally people aren't cunts that choose to pirate things instead of paying for them. Feel free to boycott them though - my point wasn't to tell you to use them.
Lastly, piss off arrogant prick.I don't understand why you'd bother to pick apart my post and then tell me to piss off. If you don't want a discussion then why are you perpetuating one? NEway, I think you need to take some chill pills or at least show some restraint - it's not like I skull fucked your dead-mother.
THIS SHOULD BE USED. Why? Because the 'hardcore' pirates are only a small minority, the majority are casual pirates who want the easy free download they wont delve into hard core code hacking and this is why it'll be effective.
You are NOT entitled to use pirated software as a "demo", even if doing so leads you to buy it.
"NO it doesn't hurt anybody financially 99% of the time."
OMG!! ROFLMAO!!! You are SOOOO clueless, it's like... OMG... wow. I didn't think that anyone on this board was honestly that fucking dumb. LOL!!!
It would be really sad if it wasn't so funny.
Apparently, this is the mentality you need to have in order to "justify" all that pirated software you have, jackass. LOL!!!
Firstly, you already have to put disks in. Secondly, this dongle is built into motherboards.
Obviously this isn't going to come about until it is commonplace, so you're just ranting for the sake of it.
Irrelevant. You don't have the right to use it, therefore any action to stop you doing so is fair. The only concern is whether it impacts genuine users, which is my only concern.