My own perspective is that Atari sealed its own fate by screwing their employees who made amazing products and were paid next-to-nothing for doing so. This is why so many companies were spawned out of Atari, including Apple and Activision.
I agree, thats one of the things that I mean when I say the suits started doing things their way. They just play the numbers game, maximize profit. It is no longer about content its about moving product and name brand does that better then content. So why pay high salerys when you dont care about the content, you just have to be good enough to get a working product to market. Heh now that they can patch consoles they dont even do that anymore. Its insane when you think about the mentality, getting a game to market to boost a quarterly report supersedes actually finishing the game now. I dont see the console majority putting up with games not working, if they think they can pull the same shit they do on PC users they will be in for another rude awakening. Then again sometimes I think they could take a crap in a box, brand it, and sell millions, then do it again and sell millions more, people will just keep buying it hoping there isnt a pile of crap in the box again.
It is my understanding that Atari was a good place to work until Warner took over.
'Dispatch this is five-oh-four, suspect just ran a red light over'