#62 If you can't find a PC game you want in a store, you can probably buy it from one of the download services. Steam, Stardock, ...
Yes I realize that, its just something I dont do. I guess I just want some actual physical evidence of where my $50 just went, and I'm sure I'm not alone. We are talking about overall video game sales and if you want to move product you have to have product on the shelf for people to buy. I hate to say it but EA knows the score in that department. I bet anyone of us could, right now, go to a local store and buy a copy of BF1942.
That "Games For Windows" label is like a kiss of death for PC titles. Making games only for Vista has just about killed the PC games industry. Too many customers got burned by unknowingly buying games that they couldn't play or return. Too many retailers got burned by having pissed off customers fuming at them and trying to return open software. Even if they change the label to not be only for Vista, the damage is done.
Along the same line, I think a big issue of PC games has been the quality of shipped product. The industry seems to think that there is no need to debug there product, becuase they can just patch-it. So now they can ship on a pre-set timeline and just finish it up in patches. How many people do you lose because they buy a game get it home and it doesnt work right. Hell my sister bought roller Coaster Tycoon 3, real happy and excited to play. Couple hours later shes practically in tears becuase her park is shit, nobody rides the rides and shes got a park full of pissed off poeple becuase the AI is fricken shit and deosnt work, hell even after the patches the AI in that games is crap to the point the game is almost useless.
Now I notice that with the ability to patch console games they are starting down that same road, ship now fix later.
Big business is whoring as much as they can as fast as they can, sounds familiar... hmmm 80's, rushing out shit games to ride the boom, hmm what happened then? oh ya public said fuck you and the industry crashed hard, bunch of ET games buried out in the desert somewhere... if the industry throws itself off of a cliff again it will be consoles and big production houses that die, not PC gameing. PC will just go back to its roots, sure there will be no crysis or COD4 but commander keen was a pretty fun game.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin