"I truly think console gaming is dumbed down."
I agreed with and vehemently believed that too, in the past. THE PAST!
Look at the games being released on consoles now, the kind of games they simply couldn't deal with before, are being released and in development - RTS's, RPG's, MMO's, FP's... The console has finally come to appeal to even hardcore PC gamers like myself, because what I want they either have, or are creative enough, and knowledgable enough to now bring to the console.
With WiC, and End War coming to console this year, we are seeing a new era in console gaming. With Resistance 2, up to 60 players in one server alone, this is on par with PC gaming.
Right now I play Resistance MP, with UK players, Asia players, American players LAG FREE. This does NOT happen with any PC game I have ever owned, and own now (I still play CoD4 on PC).
PC Gaming shot itself in the foot a long time ago, and WoW does not help either... It takes far too many people away from buying anything else. MMORPG's in general ruin the market I feel, keeping players in one game for months and years on end?! Why buy anything else when this one game can occupy my time for years? And this is mainly the PC gaming world.
Screw PC gaming, I'm sick of it.
Mouse/Keyboard rules, but Microsoft, shite DX10, failing drivers, consistent issues... ENOUGH!