Just because something is popular doesn’t make it a wise decision you fuckin’ Sheeple moron!
And sometimes things get popular because they're fucking better than what came before it. Things aren't more awesomer just because you're clinging to some counterculture bullshit like it gives you a reason to keep breathing intelligent people's air. So go listen to your shit on vinyl, watch your big old CRT and spank your monkey to Farrah Fawcett because that's what real men did when you were growing up. Nobody fucking cares.
And typing in ALL CAPS doesn't make what you say right, by the way.
And by the way, you're not special because you're old enough to have owned an Apple IIGS or a Ti-99. Myself, and probably half the board, are just as old as you are and had the same stuff when we were younger. Those things were crap, by the way, in comparison to newer things. CRT televisions are absolute garbage compared to plasma or LCD televisions now, especially so when watching something made for the aspect ratio of the television.
Some other people here gave good replies to why you're a fucktard, but seriously man... before you start calling people names you might want to stop that peanut in your skull from rattling around long enough to get something more than anecdotal crap about your brother buying a shit TV so all LCD's must be garbage.