Now honestly, think about it. When you're looking at pron or something and you want to "inspect" it, what do you do? You click on the magnify button, right?
Get with the times man. Porn is now WS and HD. Your argument is invalid!
So while you're playing Bioshock or anything other game in Letterbox & I'm playing in 4:3, guess what, I can see more clearly because things are "closer" to me than they are for you (all things being equal & we both have 22inch monitors).
This is not true.
Clarity is not only tied to the size. It is tied to the distance you are from the screen.
The quality of the screen. The persons vision. A smaller screen can easily look better and more clear then a screen 4X the size.
Some people do not see in color as well. Some people the flickering of a CRT hurts there eyes (not me, I have both a CRT and LCD, I love them both equally). Some people have horrible vision in a range from there eyes to 2ft out, but past that it is great, or reversed. Etc etc etc. It is not a one size fits all thing.
You might have a slight advantage by being able to see a bit more peripherially, but if I'm shooting from a vantage point above or below you, then you've lost that advantage. Additionally, you're a larger target on my screen, so again any advantage is lost.
Since I see the same amount of data as you vertically, no, I have not lost that advantage. It is just smaller. Smaller does not intrinsically make it better or worse. We are talking about monitors here, not penis size.
Your arguments are invalid.
It is all a matter of preference.
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I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
- W. C. Fields