It's not all wide screens not working, mine works fine. I just have audio issues.
I guess you don't understand the issue. Nobody's widescreen isn't working - they've simply noticed that the aspect is sub-par.
Anyone (yes, that includes you) with a widescreen monitor is going to experience this problem, because it's how BioShock renders widescreen resolutions. Is it a big deal? No, not really. But it's rather disappointing to us widescreen users who understand and appreciate how a "proper" increased horizontal FOV can improve gameplay.
The game is still excellent, regardless of this problem. But it would be nice to see it fixed. People are overreacting to it (as usual), but I can understand why people would expect a game made in 2007 to have proper widescreen support.
As for people who say widescreen is "short" - preference is one thing, but stupidity is another. There are advantages to using 4:3 (perhaps most significantly is compatibility with older games), but that doesn't mean you have to paint widescreen is inferior by using false information. You don't need to run a "smear campaign" against widescreen simply because you want to show the rest of the world "the light" about not upgrading to a widescreen. It sounds to me like people that go on and on about the inferiority of widescreens aren't convinced of what they're preaching. Otherwise, why would they care what we use? I certainly don't care what type of monitor other people use. I don't need to convince them that widescreens are better, because I know it myself, and that's all that matters.
Anyway, a perfect example of how widescreens are better in the non-gaming sense is programming. It's much easier to understand a line of code when it's on a single line. In 4:3 resolution, many of my programs ran off the screen, so I either had to scroll over, or break them up over multiple lines (which made the amount of code I could see on the screen at any given time less). Now with a widescreen resolution, I can see most of those lines in their entirety. The difference is amazing.
As far as games are concerned, the general consensus is correct. Analogies to peripheral vision and increased FOV are all correct. I don't need to make that case here, because others have done so far better than I could.
This comment was edited on Aug 22, 10:08.