Yeah actually both issues (Lack of Widescreen and Shader 2.0) have really cost them some negative press which is the last thing they need and alienating long time fans.
Aaah, c'mon! I can see how the WS issue annoys people, but games not supporting < SM3.0 anymore was just a matter of time. As I said, my system is shitty as hell... but even I was able to afford a SM3.0 card for $100, and that was almost a year ago!
And on the WS issue, I really don't think it'll take them long to patch it in. I have an old PC hooked up to my 16:9 TV in the living room for quite a while now and so far I have been able to force
every game to run in widescreen simply by hacking into .cfg and .ini files, even some which haven't been listed on yet (Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, for example). And if
I can do it,
they can do it! Fear not!