Still looks damn amazing, I thought.
No kidding, the graphics in this are very impressive. Very much like Prey in my mind, a ton better game all around though.
I would expect things on the PC to look sharper overall, the comparison shots between prey 360 and prey PC showed this, things just looked a little better on PC. But I like my 46" TV with 5.1 surround sound enough to forgive that problem.
The whole gamepad/auto-aim arguement doesn't make sense to me. Aiming on the gamepad with the assistance of an auto aim feature takes the same skill as aiming with no assistance with a mouse....I don't see why people get hung up on this.
I don't find myself cursing the gamepad when I'm playing games, I just adjust to using it and it's transparent...
I would love to have the option to use mouse and keyboard on some games, mainly RTS games, but choosing the PC experience because of the keyboard mouse means using a smaller screen, sitting at a desk, getting stereo sound. Choosing the 360 experience comes on a 46" TV, 5.1 sound, a comfortable couch, and a controller.
Keyboard/mouse seems far less important than a huge TV and great sound to me... If I had my PC hooked up to my tv and stereo I might feel differently but I don't see myself doing that.