Anyways I'd have loved to see a HOMEWORLD-esque game in the BSG universe... considering, in Homeworld, you have one massive base ship (Galactica) and a crew attempting to search for earth...
Guess that'd be just too easy.
The Star Wars mode for Homeworld worked well, because the Empire fleet was massive and that was constantly growing as it "recruited" from its planets.
Technically, for Battlestar Galactica to work you'd have to start with a large unarmed fleet and watch it dwindle down as you fail to protect the unarmed cap ships with fighters and your 1 large Battlestar. Plus the battles would mostly be to fight off the enemy until you're managed to sync up all of the ships FTL engines to escape at the same time.
So I could see it working. It would need to be more than a Homeworld MOD though (but considering how dated the engine is, that's a given). The only problem is if you don't play well enough in the beginning of the game, you could never reach the end.
Poor guys. At the beginning of each episode they show an updated survivor counter, and it is constantly ticking down. Meanwhile they've been losing a lot of their ships.
Someone made a good point about setting it during the previous war, when it wasn't so one-sided and humanity could actually build.
"Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you."
-Fry, Futurmama
This comment was edited on Jul 11, 16:03.
"Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you."
-Fry, Futurama