Orson Scott Card Q&A

The Orson Scott Card Q&A on Gaming Today (thanks Mike Martinez) talks with the author about his writing for books and games as well as his gaming addiction: "My cold-turkey stop was because, and I'm serious here, it was costing me a shocking amount of money and depriving me of a home life with my family. Here I am, a self-employed writer, and I never had time for my family because I had this GAME that was waiting to seduce me whenever I pretended I was going to the office to work. I estimate there are about twenty novels that were never written because of computer games. Now, there are those who think that's a blessing to literature, but at the very least it was costing me money because I wasn't getting paid as often as when I actually complete the books that are under contract."
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Jun 17, 2007, 17:59
No subject Jun 17, 2007, 17:59
Jun 17, 2007, 17:59
Re: Three Card Shuffle... Jun 17, 16:45 IAM->TheDoctor

Ha, little do you know. I've just read (this month) my first Goodkind book. He manages to steal from just about every author and then finds a way to blend them together into a somewhat readable story. I'm on Faith of the Fallen right now and yes, I have read better. I will complete the sequence.

I'm an old school SciFi reader for the most part. But the most amazing story I have every read was by Julian May - The Many Colored Land - series. It is only nine books long.
Favorite authors are: Gibson, Spinrad, Saberhagen, May, Clarke, Asimov, Bradbury, Niven, Anderson, McCafrey, Norton, Ellison, Lovecraft, Dickson, Simak, Jordan, Eddings and Simmons - there are so many more to name. Dan Simmons is another of the best out there.

Stephen Baxter, Mark Geston, Greg Bear, Clarke, Brian Aldiss. I lean towards the hard stuff but I like some of the 60's "New wave" like LeGuin, James Tiptree (Alice Sheldon), Rafferty. Theres very little modern stuff I like except for the aforementioned Baxter and maybe a few others I can't think of ATM.

I am a Blues Nazi.
"Both the “left” and the “right” pretend they have the answer, but they are mere flippers on the same thalidomide baby, and the truth is that neither side has a clue."

- Jim Goad
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