Out of the Blue

Last Sopranos tonight! The series has had its ups and downs over the years, so I have mixed feelings about its conclusion. I still don't know how they're going to manage to create a sense of closure in one more show… and yes, I am going to be pissed if they never explain what happened to the Russian in the woods (and I think it goes without saying they are not going to get to that).

Concluding Links! Thanks Ant.
Story: Missing dog found 430 miles from home. Thanks Mike Martinez.
Science: Pentagon Confirms It Sought To Build A 'Gay Bomb'. Thanks Ratty.
Media: Land Rover Defender Goes In Deep, Really Deep, Waters. Thanks Zuckuss.
Space Shuttle Atlantis STS-117 Launch. Thanks Skip.
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Re: Last Sopranos tonight!
Jun 10, 2007, 18:07
Re: Last Sopranos tonight! Jun 10, 2007, 18:07
Jun 10, 2007, 18:07
Well this season started out really bad but picked up steam rather quickly,i still think they need at least 2 more episodes or a 2 hour finale to cap it off..Their is too much to explain and to much left to do it justice in 1 hour..shame really..Oh well let's hope it is better then we expect!
Im Dabest damn man you ever seen!
Re: Last Sopranos tonight!
Jun 10, 2007, 17:48
Re: Last Sopranos tonight! Jun 10, 2007, 17:48
Jun 10, 2007, 17:48
and yes, I am going to be pissed if they never explain what happened to the Russian in the woods (and I think it goes without saying they are not going to get to that.

Chase has said in past interviews that that story line is closed. Granted he can always change his mind, but still...

I always figured he died in the woods somewhere and his body has never been found.

And baring any surprises tonight (and I expect a few...DOZEN) I wouldn't rule out a HBO movie or two in 5 years or so. I know they ACT like this is the end, but by 5 years from now, I'd except the remaining cast members to welcome what would be a nice big paycheck for a one or two shot deal.

Who knows, though...

Listen, now: http://yearzero.nin-thespiral.com/FLJoi4gjw2f/player.html
Last Sopranos tonight!
Jun 10, 2007, 17:40
Last Sopranos tonight! Jun 10, 2007, 17:40
Jun 10, 2007, 17:40
Well, I wish you good luck with how it all works out.

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