Bots are just a waste of server slots which could be filled by real players, if they must have bots I hope the server kills the bot if a real player wants to join.
Owning a real player is far more satisfying than AI and ever since T2 bots (wall humpers) I just dislike them, period.
I do hope the servers support a Queueing system for new players wanting to join, I am tired clicking refresh or juggling between 2 servers to get the player count refreshed in order to join one, and having the ping and player counts update frequently so we dont have to keep refreshing would be nice for the currently selected server.
I am mostly referring to internet play not LAN games, anyway, it is harder to predict people than it is AI.
That brings up another request, I want the ability to IGNORE text, voice binds and audio voice from specific players (tard spammers mostly), and vote spammers. Blocking delays are not good enough, I want total control over an ignore list for that game session.
This comment was edited on Mar 21, 07:23.