this was almost vapor, however someone kept this orphan alive for 5 years incubating, what did you expect after going thru all the tech upgrades we all went thru the last 5 years, for this to come out bug free? broken missions? bad level design? bahhh i say this, your lucky this game made it out at all, it was delayed 10million times. and it was bound to fail, suprised it turned out as good as it did.
you want games that dont need patches? then go play some console stuff, most ppl like the fact that we get broken products that are right on the cutting edge of either greatness or complete failer lol, sometimes because of the nature of PCs our games have to be made for the future in mind. you cant really make console games that way, console has really no option to take advantage of future tech like PC games do. and thats some PC games not all.
Example take a look at the latest FREESPACE 2 MOD lol it will blow your collective socks off, its good enough graphics to compete with todays graphic powerhouse games, and its like 5 to 7 years old already, take another look at morrowind, with the right mods it looks almost better than oblivion.
try doing that with bug free console games.
kisses his PC and thanks god for it even though its a convoluted mess, at least its expandable lol.
oh Stalker, yeah for now I give it a 8, but expect to give it higher when mods and patches come out.
Who here still thinks were gonna get bug free PC games out of the box? I should bop you one for thinking that. but whats the use?
This comment was edited on Mar 25, 06:26.