mOOzilla, my comment was obviously not aimed at you but at the retards who claim they have to test a game for days to see if it's worth a purchase, the morons who claim piracy doesn't hurt (or even: does help) PC gaming and the idiots who claim it's all the game developers' and publishers' fault and that they are lying through their teeth anyway. Of, I forgot, of course they're all filthy rich and are just waiting to screw us poor PC gamers over in order to get more Ferraris.
Of course the crisis of PC gaming isn't ONLY due to piracy, but the amount of punks in here who think it's got nothing to do with it at all simply amazes me, especially when they go on and at the same time bash consoles, console- and mainstream games and then wonder why their own games "suck" and why there are hardly PC-exclusive games anymore. Personally I had a lot of fun with PC games lately, even though the releases are less frequent I don't see an extraordinary drop in quality like the people who use the "all current games suck, hence they're not worth buying" excuse.
Normal business sense... you say... I don't give a shit what the beancounters "sense"
All I know is that original PC franchises get ported to XBOX,
then ported back to PC. E.g: DE:IW & Thief3. Effectively killing the franchise.
In some cases (e.g: CoD3,Crimson Skies,Midtown Madness) a sequel to PC series is console only. WTF!!!
PC games != Console games.
See, this condescending attitude does not help at all, and you not giving a shit is part of the problem. You give a shit about the people making your games, and you give a shit about the people paying for the development of your games, yet you want the absolute best gaming experience, tailored to your hardcore gamer niche market, for as little money as possible, but of course with the highest production values to put your new D3D10 video card and quad-core CPU to the test - see what's wrong with this? Simply put, you cannot ignore the beancounters as they're the ones who decide about funding your precious PC games - or not. They don't give a flying fuck about the purity of PC franchises, if porting to (or primarily developing for) consoles lets them more reliably sell games, they will go for it, regardless of your feelings. Game companies are not a charity and just because some people in the PC scene have this irrational hatred for anything console, doesn't mean every change to make your once hardcore PC franchise a bit more mainstream-friendly is bad.
So, you wonder why some games were moved from PC-exclusive to console-exclusive or at least cross-platform with PC being the "afterthought" consoles once were. The developers of prime PC-based franchises give you a reason why they cannot afford to exclusively develop for PCs anymore. Yet it seems the oh-so-superior and allegedly more intelligent PC gamers cannot grasp the idea that developers don't work for free. Instead, what we get is shitheads arguing semantics and numbers, trying to justify piracy with horrible reasoning and attacking the people WHO MAKE YOUR FUCKING GAMES. Awesome.
|[ Jesus is coming. Look busy! ]|