man, this thread really makes me sad and I suddenly understand why people from within the industry, like MikeR, stopped posting on the topic on ShackNews...
I'm not one to get angry over internet discussions, but this is just way outta line, I can't believe so many folks calling themselves hardcore gamers and then piss on the people who make their games, dismiss their reasoning with ridiculous assumptions and accusations, and have the nerve to claim they're helping. WTF?
You retards exactly deserve whatever the industry is turning into, you deserve Madden 666, Need for Speed 42 and Battlefield 1337, even if you will only pirate them because they're "not worth buying", but it annoys the heck out of me that so many people here are actively helping to ruin my hobby which looked so great 10 years ago. It annoys me how you justify your actions with total horseshit reasons and even claim it's all someone else's fault, and you even think you're all that smart and reasonable.
You're not. You goddamn punks act all high and mighty when you make fun of the few generally successful PC games like "The Sims" (lolol, kiddie/girl game), MMOs and the growing casual games market, you discuss with fervour and anger how PC games are "dumbed down" and "consolized", you bitch and moan when publishers turn to closed platforms and take away your favourite franchises and move them to consoles. And it's all the fault of the greedy rich pusblisher bastards and the incompetent game developers who only make shitty games not worth buying anymore so you HAVE TO pirate them to teach them, or to try them because there's NO WAY IN HELL you can judge a game without playing through it three times first. What a bunch of hypocrites, and you claim "mainstream gamers" are dumb? HA.
You guys are a fucking shame.
|[ Jesus is coming. Look busy! ]|