And how can people compare that Carmack, arguably the best in his field, a field that brings in lots of money, shouldn't have Ferraris because other people are poor?
What would encourage him to do his hard work and long hours without the promise of Ferraris?
And no one likes Tom Cruise, but he deserves what he gets. He's brought millions of people joy in two hour spurts, and he's helped carry an industry on his insane shoulders at time. Why shouldn't he have the money? Who, then, should? Should movies be free?
The movie industry, which has a lot of piracy, runs on risks and rewards. Huge risks are taken. Most don't pay off. Some do. Those that do have to carry those that don't. Those that do more often than not get rewarded. Tom Cruise has played this to his advantage.
But some people can't afford a new car, so Tom should be forced to give it all to welfare, eh?
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