I will come steal 18 months' worth of whatever it is that you produce or provide for a living.
While his using an authorized copy of your game is certainly illegal, you also have a very inflated opinion of what that one copy of your game is actually worth. You may personally have worked on the game for 18 months, but it certainly is not worth that price to each consumer.
Your exaggerated sense of self-importance illustrates exactly what is wrong with the game industry's sales practices. Almost every developer and publisher thinks their game is worth $50 to the consumer because they poured their heart and soul in it. Well, I hate to break it to you, but the market says otherwise. Your Starfleet Command games certainly weren't worth that to most gamers (Some of them aren't worth even $5.). So, stop blaming unauthorized copying when your $50 white elephant doesn't sell, and price the damn thing realistically for the crowded market that exists.
This comment was edited on Mar 11, 09:40.