Then why do you generalize and say that the industry would make more "good" games if only "good" games would get bought? How do I know that you aren't one of the tards who liked Dungeon Lords? That's a silly argument to say that you need to pirate to determine if a game is good and that you only support good games by buying them. Silly why? Exactly BECAUSE good is so subjective.
You need to risk that a game is not entirely to your liking. It's part of the deal. They won't let you into the movies either to "test-watch" the movie and to make up your mind afterwards whether you liked it or not. Same with books. They will kick you out of a book store eventually when you stand there for hours reading a mag or a book in its entirety. Same with music. You are usually only allowed to listen to the first 30 seconds of every song of an album before you buy. There is always a little risk involved in a purchase. Always. Whether you buy a home, a car, a book, a mag, music, DVDs or... games. You have absolutely no right to cicumvent that risk by pirating a game. You need to accept that risk and if you don't like the game eBay it or whatever. That's how life works. No one is ever gonna give you a satisfaction guarantee on anything. You can't test-fuck a hooker and go 'nah, not paying' if the sex was bad.
Why do you think that games should be an exception to the rule? Why do you believe that you are entitled to such a special privilege (risk-free, satisfaction guaranteed money spending) when it comes to games? You're not. You're just a filthy little thief who is trying to justify his lameness. That's all.
*** Born to troll ***