If you bothered to read the chain of posts... you would see it has to do more with PC sales being shitty because the fucking minimum system requirements are too high on modern games (not because of piracy), and a majority of people with PC's cannot or will not keep up with the latest hardware.
You want an example of sales units of old games? Look at Sims 2, dipshit. It doesn't take a Cray to run that, and it still sells like mad. Sims 1 is right behind it in sales, too. So yes, 5-6 year old games would sell more units, regardless of their price, hence more profitable.
Seriously CJ, go take your Ritalin and go have your mommy tuck you in for the night. Your antics are just thoroughly pathetic. You should change your sig from ***Born to troll*** to ***Born to be an Assmunch***
This comment was edited on Mar 11, 00:53.
Get your games from GOG DAMMIT!